Capital Steakhouse
Eat and be entertained
A meal with a flourish is what you can expect in this terrific teppanyaki restaurant. For those of you unfamiliar with teppanyaki, it can be described as a unique Japanese take on the steakhouse concept. Savory chunks of meat, seafood and vegetables are prepared with an entertaining flair by a grill master who dazzles his delighted customers/audience with amazing knife and spatula skills as they eagerly await their meal.
With locations in Chatan Town and Uruma City, Capital Steakhouse serves both lunch and dinner, with dinner add-on specials available on Tuesdays and Thursdays and all-you-can-drink soft drinks for just 227 yen per person.
Chatan branch
411 Ihei, Chatan Town
Tel: 098-936-9192
Uruma branch
138 Tengan, Uruma City
Tel: 098-973-4016
Hours: Lunch 11:30-16:00; dinner 16:00-22:00, daily
- Area: Central area, Chatan Town, Main-group5, Uruma City