3-1-1 Omoromachi, Naha City
Tel: 098-941-8200
Hours: 9:00-18:00
Closed: Mon
Admission to the museum: 530 yen for adults, 270 yen for ages 16-18 and university students, 150 yen for ages 6-15.
Admission to the art museum: 400 yen for adults, 220 yen for ages 16-18 and university students, 100 yen for ages 6-15.
*Admission is free for preschool-age children and elementary and junior high school students from Okinawa.
The prefectural museum focuses specifically on all aspects of Okinawa, including the entire history of the Ryukyus, information about individual islands in the archipelago, native flora and fauna and local culture. The art museum features works of art by Okinawan artists, from the early modern to contemporary periods, as well as pieces created by individuals with an affinity to Okinawa.