Okinawa Island Guide

Everything on Okinawa Island from A to Z | 300-man parade, kachashi highlight Ginowan Hagoromo Festival

Okinawa Island Guide

300-man parade, kachashi highlight Ginowan Hagoromo Festival

The two-day Ginowan City festival centers on a historical parade depicting a local legend about a maiden who descended from heaven, married a local man, and then eventually returned to her heavenly home. Her husband became a mighty king.

The procession features some 300 participants dressed in traditional costumes who parade at the Ginowan Seaside Park multi-purpose square while performing elaborate dances. Many people come to the festival specifically to see this parade.

During its two days, the festival has many other events, such as a powerful taiko drum performance, a hatagashira (banner) show, eisa, live music, fireworks on both days and more. The highlight of the festival's second day is a Kachashii Contest, when the entire venue comes alive with people of all ages and nationalities enjoying an Okinawan folk dance called “kachashii,” which, together with its specific folk music, is an expression of joy and celebration. The contest is open to everyone (advance application required). The grand finale brings together more than 1,000 people dancing.

Local bands such as Kachinmba, Blue Blue Blue, and KIYAMA Shoten play starting at 18:00.

Date: Sep. 28 (Sat) and 29 (Sun), 2024
Time: 9:00 – 21:00 (Sat) and 14:00 – 21:00 (Sun)
Place: Ginowan Seaside Park Multi-purpose square (Ginowan City)
Admission: Free
