Okinawa Island Guide

Everything on Okinawa Island from A to Z | Chubu Kuwacchi Festa 2016

Okinawa Island Guide

Chubu Kuwacchi Festa 2016



Date: Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 20-21, 2016
Time: 10:00-17:00
Place: Okinawa Comprehensive Athletic Park (Okinawa City)

This is a food event for everyone. Originally created for Okinawa Marathon participants and supporters, the festival takes place at Okinawa Comprehensive Athletic Park, the start/finish point for the marathon held on Sunday, Feb. 21. There will be nine popular restaurants and shops from nine different municipalities in the central area of Okinawa offering their delicious specialties. Including hamburgers, curry, Okinawa soba, ramen, taco rice and sweets, all items are very affordably priced.

Participating shops and restaurants
Baggio (Okinawa City)
Kijimuna (Chatan Town)
Dechibica (Yomitan Village)
Bones (Uruma City)
Gordie's Old House (Kadena Town)
Ploughmans Lunch Bakery (Kitanakagusuku Village)
Pippi (Ginowan City)
Matsuya (Nishihara Town)
Tantan-tei (Nakagusuku Village)
