Okinawa Island Guide

Everything on Okinawa Island from A to Z | Enjoy enchanting pathways and works of art at ‘Sujiguwa Museum’

Okinawa Island Guide

Enjoy enchanting pathways and works of art at ‘Sujiguwa Museum’


Sujiguwa means “path” in the Okinawan dialect, and the paths of Ogusuku in Kitanakagusuku Town have been recognized as among the “500 Most Beautiful Paths of Japan.”

“Sujiguwa Museum” is the name of a two-day event where you can enjoy a variety of artworks such as ink on paper and calligraphy as well as local crafts while strolling along the town’s pleasant paths.

There will also be a pottery market and the other fun booths around the area, a perfect destination for an autumn weekend.

Date: Saturday – Sunday, Nov. 15-16, 2014
Time: 10:00-16:00
Place: Ogusuku area (Kitanakagusuku Town)

*Parking is available at Nakamura House, Kitanakagusuku Wakamatsu Hospital and the Onishi Terrace Golf Club.
