Okinawa Island Guide

Everything on Okinawa Island from A to Z | Find out at Churaumi if fish sleep at night

Okinawa Island Guide

Find out at Churaumi if fish sleep at night

As a famous song states, “the lion sleeps tonight,” but what do the fish do when the dark descends over the ocean and life in the deep takes on different, more serene but more exciting character.

You can see it yourself at Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium throughout the whole month of August, when the facility holds its “Night Aquarium” days, staying open until 21:00 daily. The aquarium has run its night program a couple of times a year since 2, and the public's response has been enthusiastic.

During the Night Aquarium event, visitors entering the Aquarium after 4 p.m. will receive an original Aquarium trading card. The present is limited to one card per person.

Only during this event, outside of the aquarium is decorated with a "fantastic aquarium illumination!"

A limited number of mats to relax on is provided to visitors to relax in front of the "Kuroshio Sea" tank.

A live violin performance by Ryoma has been added to the program. The artist will entertain in front of the Kuroshio Sea tank over the weekend from Aug. 2 to 4, twice each night at 18:30 and 19:30. Each performance lasts 20 to 30 minutes.

There will also be food trucks at the Churaumi Plaza area every Saturday during August. From Aug. 10 through 18th, the trucks will be in business every night.

Churaumi Night Aquarium

Date: Aug. 1st (Thu.) - 31st (Sat.). 18:00 - 21:00,

Hours of operation. 8:30~21:00 (last entry 20:00)
