Okinawa Island Guide

Everything on Okinawa Island from A to Z | Yomitan Village Youth Eisa Festival

Okinawa Island Guide

Yomitan Village Youth Eisa Festival

Ten youth groups from Yomitan Village perform traditional local Eisa dances. Each youth group is unique in its dynamic movements, such as lifting the legs high and the Sanshin players’ light touch of the bachi (pick) as they play the tunes to dance with.

In Yomitan Village, the traditional forms of Eisa remain strong, and many of their eisa performances are rare within the prefecture. For example, men’s and women’s hand movements and gestures incorporate local traditional arts.

About 500 performers from across Yomitan Village showcase the fruit of their hard practice. The kachashii, an Okinawan joyous folk dance, and a fireworks display will mark the finale on both days.

Date: Sat. 31(Sun) – Sep. 1 (Sun), 2024
Time: 18:00 (Gate opens at 17:00)
Place: Okiham Yomitan Village Peace Forest Ballpark
Admission: Free
